County Board of Commissioners Resolutions 2016
16-01 Security Benefits Plan Documents
16-02 Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month
16-03 Appreciation of Trooper F-Lt David Hopper
16-04 Appreciation of Kathy Jones Loup
16-06 Oppose Section 298 of 2017 Executive Budget (Mental Health)
16-07 Special Recognition David Jones
16-08 April is Sexual Assualt Awareness Month
16-09 Special Recognition Gary McLeod
16-10 EPA and Army Corp of Engineers - Clean Water Act Regulation
16-11 Opposing HB 5016 Public Right-of-Ways
16-12 Urging State Transparency
16-13 Support Island Trail Project
16-14 Resolution Disbanding EUP Community Corrections as of 9-30-16
16-16 Resolution Imposing 2016 Property Tax Levy
16-17 Special Recognition David Martin
16-18 UP Area Agency on Aging FY 2017-2019
16-19 Supporting Safe Operation of Line 5 - Desist Crude Oil
16-20 Opting Out of the Requirements of PA 152 of 2011
16-21 Proclamation Declaring October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month
16-22 Apportionment of 2016 Millages
16-24 CDBG Application & Authorizing $56,000 (Regional Planning
16-25 2017 Borrowing Resolution (2016 Delinquent Taxes)
16-26 Supporting Appointment of Robert Laitinen - New Statewide Wetland Mitigation Banking Board