Clerk Birth Records
Process to Obtain a Birth Record
Under Michigan law, birth records are restricted documents, and a current valid, photo identification is required in order to establish eligibility to request and/or receive one (except for a birth record that is at least 100 years old). To protect you and the community from identity theft, we require a copy of the applicant's photo identification to be presented along with the application. Please see the Application form for identification requirements.
Requesting a Birth Certificate On-line or by Mail
When requesting a certified copy of a Chippewa County birth certificate by mail or online, complete the Birth Record Application. When paying online, the valid ID must either be emailed or faxed to (906) 635-6851. Once the required documents have been faxed or emailed to our office, payments can be made by clicking the link below.
A photocopy of your valid state ID or Driver's License. (Please note, the record can only be mailed to the address on the eligible applicant's ID)
You must sign and date the request
If you have any questions, please call our office at (906) 635-6300.
$10.00 for one certified copy and $5.00 for each additional copy if you choose to purchase more than one copy. Please make a check or money order payable to the Chippewa County Clerk when requesting by mail.
All information is needed to complete your request, if a request is not complete you will not receive your certificate, and a copy of your request will be returned to you.
Availability of Records
Birth records have been filed with this office since 1869. BIRTH RECORDS ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND ARE NOT PUBLIC RECORD, but certified copies of birth certificates are available to eligible persons upon request. We try to send out birth requests received by mail the same day or by the next business day. Birth records for newborn children are usually available within three weeks from the birth date.
Relationship to Person on the Birth Certificate
To obtain a certified copy of a birth record, the applicant must indicate his or her relationship to the person named on the certificate. Michigan law states that certified copies of birth records can be issued only to the individual, the parent(s) named on the record, an heir or legal guardian, or legal representative.
Heirs must provide date and place of death and how they are related. Legal guardians must provide a copy of their legal guardianship papers.