Clerk - CPL Application Procedure
You must apply at the Chippewa County Clerk’s office PRIOR to getting fingerprinted and supply the following information:
-Complete the Attached Concealed Pistol Application; do not sign until you are in person at the Chippewa County Clerk’s Office. Should you wish to complete the application prior to coming into the office or will be renewing on-line, please go to the following link:
- Pay the required fee:
$100.00 –
$115.00 –
$100.00 – for re-applications (If the applicant’s CPL is expired for more than one year, they must apply as a new license, including taking the training and being fingerprinted. However, to ensure the CPL number remains the same, it is processed as a re-application.)
- Have your current CPL permit, if applicable, as well as your driver’s license or State I.D.
- If it is your first time applying, you must provide the original class certificate. This certificate contain the following:
Date of training (Must be completed within 5 years proceeding date of application.)
Name, signature, and phone number of instructor.
Instructor’s Certificate number and expiration.
Certificate complies with 5j of 1927 PA 372
Name and phone number of State Agency/National training organization that certified the instructor.
Once you applied at the Chippewa County Clerk’s Office, you must be fingerprinted within 45 days. The website to sign up for fingerprinting is: https://mi.ibtfingerprint.com
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