County Board of Commissioners Resolutions 2019
19-01 Requesting State Research and Action on Youth Vaping
19-02 Marijuana Use or Possession on County Property
19-03 Special Recognition Trooper Patrick Sliger
19-04 Special Recognition Motor Carrier officer Dain Brunet
19-05 Special Recognition of Barbara Fortin
19-07 Special Tribute Frank Sasso
19-06 Resolution to Revise Medicare Prescription Drug Bill of 2003
19-08 Proclamation April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
19-09 Special Tribute Honoring Ross N. Roe
19-10 Special Recognition MSP Trooper Jeffrey Rogers
19-11 Supporting HB 4227- Committee on Michigan's Mining Future
19-12 Special Recognition John Ferroni
19-13 Special Recognition Susan M. Wilds
19-14 Special Recognition Lisa Meister
19-15 Supporting the Michigan Launch Initiative
19-16 In Support of EUPRPDC Application on behalf of the EUP Prosperity Region
19-17 Special Recognition of Kip Moeggenborg
19-18 Special Recognition Danette Rose
19-19 To Accept Investment Policy (Treasurer)
19-20 Imposing 2019 Property Tax Levy & L-4029
19-21 U.P. Area Agency on Aging 2020-2022 Multi-Year Plan for Services to the Elderly
19-22 Seeking Support for Sugar Island Residents
19-24 Supporting Caro Center in Tuscola County
19-25 MERS Uniform 457 Supplemental Retirement Program Resolution
19-27 2020 Borrowing Resolution (2019 Delinquent Taxes)
19-28 Support of Remedication of the Paradise Brownfield
19-29 Supporting Passage of Legislation to Adopt 4-Year Terms of County Commissioners
19-30 Amended Apportionment of 2019 Millages
19-31 Opting Out of the Requirements of PA 152 of 2011
19-32 Resolution Establishing Authorized Signatories for MERS Contracts and Service Credit Purchase
19-33 FY2020 Budget Resolutions and General Appropriations Act