911 Central Dispatch &
Emergency Management
4657 West Industrial Park Dr.
Kincheloe, MI 49788
Greg Postma
Office Hours:
24 hours 7 days a week
Operations Manager:
Sara Ostwald

Call our non-emergency number
(906) 495-3312, for things such as:
Barking dogs, noise complaints or loud vehicles
VIN inspections (providing you have the necessary Secretary of State paperwork)
Peace officer standby’s
Events that occurred more than 24 hours ago
Board Meeting
Chippewa County Central Dispatch Board of Directors
LEPT (Local Emergency Planning Team)
LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee)

Central Dispatch Information
Central Dispatch is charged with the following primary tasks:
Answer all 911 and non-emergency calls within Chippewa County and provide direction or instruction to those callers
Dispatch police, fire and ambulance services
Provide an after-hours answering point for the Human Services and all county Department of Public works
When You Need Help
To report a potential life or property-threatening incident, dial 911. It may take up to 7 seconds before you’ll hear a ringing tone while your call is routed to our center – do not hang up and call back! Once your call is answered, tell us:
The location where help is needed
The phone number you are calling from
What exactly is going on now
Your name

EMD(Emergency Medical Dispatch)
The telecommunicator may ask questions to determine what kind of assistance to provide – these questions will ultimately allow us to help you or those in need. Depending on your problem, we may ask:
All full-time dispatch personnel are EMD(Emergency Medical Dispatch) certified and are able to provide “pre-arrival instructions” to callers on everything from infant CPR to managing a seizure patient.
If you need help but are unable to speak dial 911 and stay on the phone.

Printable Form: