Contact Information
Friend of the Court
325 Court Street
Suite 104
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
(906) 635-6347
Friend of the Court
Contact Us
Address: Chippewa County Friend of the Court
325 Court Street, Suite 104
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
Telephone: (906) 635-6347
Facsimile: (906) 635-7609
Hours of Operation: 8:00am – 4:30pm, Monday through Friday
Holidays: Closed on specific holidays, please see Holiday Schedule
Elizabeth C. Chambers (P68985), Director
Kelly Goldenbogen, Office Manager/Establishment Specialist: (906) 635-6349
Joy Anderson, Enforcement Officer/Intergovernmental Specialist: (906) 635-6348
Mary Sue Nelson, Data Entry Clerk/Financials Worker: (906) 635-6865
Lindsey MacDonald, Legal Secretary/Establishment Worker: (906) 635-6859