Administrative Office: Manistique
Telephone: 906-341-2144
Service Area Office 3865 S. Mackinac Trail, Sault Ste. Marie
Telephone: 906-632-2805
Service Area Office 114 Elliott St., St. Ignace
Telephone: 906-643-8616
Service Area Office 125 N. Lake St., Manistique
Fax: 906-341-5793
The Hiawatha Behavioral Mental Health Authority (previously the EUP Mental Health Service) was formed September 30,1997, by the Boards of Commissioners of Chippewa, Mackinac and Schoolcraft Counties. The purpose of the Authority is to assist citizens of the three counties dealing with emotional and psychological stress. Anyone who is, or cares for someone who is, mentally ill, or mentally retarded may seek services. Outpatient counseling, prevention programs, case management, day programming services, crisis intervention services, services for the elderly, medication services, family support services, and respite care services are designed to help promote and enhance mental health. Self growth, improved awareness and achievement of the greatest possible human potential are goals that the agency works toward in all service areas. The twelve member board consists of four appointees by the three Boards of Commissioners for staggered terms. Three year terms.
Chippewa County Appointees
Member's Name
Ronald Meister
Tara Tremblay
Ivan Gable
Jennifer Hinde
Expiration Date
March 31, 2026
March 31, 2027
March 31, 2028
March 31, 2027