County Board of Commissioners Resolutions 2017
17-02 To Dissolve and Revoke the Office of Emergency Services Committee
17-03 Life Saving Award Douglas Warren
17-04 Life Saving Award Spencer Ross
17-05 Life Saving Award David Kutz
17-06 Life Saving Award Defined Benefit Plan Adoption Agreement - Defined Month - Approved 3-13-17
17-07 MERS Hybrid Plan Adoption Agreement - Define Month - Approved 3-13-17
17-09 Resolution to Revise Medicare Prescription Drug Bill of 2003
17-10 April is Sexual Assust Awareness Month
17-11 Special Recognition Nancy Ojala-Brewster
17-12 Special Recognition Renee Tschirhart
17-13 Special Recognition Nancy Miller
17-14 MERS - EDC Definition of Day
17-15 Resolution Imposing 2017 Property Tax Levy
17-16 To Protect the MI Choice Program
17-17 To Preserve the Public Mental Health System
17-18 To Accept Investment Policy
17-19 UP Area Agency on Aging FY2018 Annual Implementation
17-20 Chippewa County's Deficit Elimination Plan
17-21 Opting Out of the Requirements of PA 152 of 2011
17-22 Opposing Senate Bill 386
17-23 In Honor and Memory of Deputy Sutton & Scribner
17-24 Support SB400 and HB 4651 Emergency Telephone Services
17-25 Apportionment of 2017 Millages
17-26 Opposing Reduction - Elimination of Federal Funding For the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
17-30 2018 Borrowing Resolution
17-31 Budget Resolution FY2018
17-32 Special Recognition Kathy Moran