Sheriff Directory
Sheriff Mike Bitnar
Telephone Numbers:
911 Emergencies
906-635-6355 Sheriff's Office
906-635-7620 Corrections/Jail
906-495-3312 Central Dispatch
(non-emergency complaints)
Office Hours:
Business office is staffed by two deputies during the hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.
Postal Address:
325 Court Street
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
Road Sergeant
Marine Deputy
Warrant Officer
Road Deputies

Sheriff Michael D. Bitnar was raised by his grandparents (Fran and Ole Bitnar) in Paradise MI, Chippewa County. He graduated from Whitefish Twp. School in 1987 and then went on to study at Lake Superior State University where he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice at the LSSU Police Academy.
He currently lives in Rudyard MI with his wife Ailene and daughter Taylor.
Michael was first hired on with the Chippewa Co Sheriff’s Office in June 1991.
Sheriff Bitnar has worked the following for the CCSO:
Uniform division
Undercover Detective for the multi-jurisdictional drug team SANE
Marine and Snowmobile Division
Detective Sergeant
Appointed Sheriff in Oct of 2016
Elected Sheriff Nov 2016
Sheriff Bitnar has attended training in:
Crime Scene Investigations by both MSP and FBI
Child Death Review Team
LSSU Police Academy and Ingham Co Corrections Academy
Several Narcotics schools put on by MSP and DEA
Precision Driving Instructor Training by MSP
Current Senior Instructor for LSSU Police Academy
New Undersheriff's School put on by the Michigan Sheriff's Association
New Sheriff's School, MSA Dec 2016
Sheriff Bitnar has attended training in:
2 time officer of the year (Elks Lodge 552 in 2002 and VFW Post 3676 in 2005)
Founding member of TRI-DENT (Tri-County Drug Enforcement Taskforce)
Current Tri-Dent Vice President
Sheriff Bitnar believes in the Constitution of the United States and protecting the rights of the people. He is proud to serve (YOU THE PEOPLE) of Chippewa County.